"It’s not good for her or for me to be together in an abusive situation, even if it’s our last chance to see each other in this form." This is wise! I know it must have been a long, painful journey to get to this place.

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Thank you, Ruth! Being seen by you on this means a lot. <3

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I really love the artwork you included by Autumn. Lovely and thoughtful.

I'm grateful you share about your family. I'm daily navigating a semi (?) estrangement related to my own mom's Fundamentalism and my embrace of a beloved family member's true name and pronouns. And there's more to it than that, I'm sure you know. Drawing a line feels new.

I'm excited about Abbott's novel and the discoveries you're making while writing yours! There's something so sweet about anticipating the art of the future, especially from authors whose previous books I admired.

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Kris, thank you so much for sharing. I'm sending wishes for a lot of spaciousness around this difficult time with your mom and this new line-drawing. Abbott's novel is fantastic–I'm excited for all of us! Much love to you.

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(And thanks for your kind words about Autumn's art, too! I adore it.)

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Maud I have to give it up to you. Not only for being open and honest, but for your fortitude as well. I could never handle it. I am lucky if I get an email or txt from anyone on both sides of my family every other month. People can be wolves to other people. The jaded me doesn't always say that people can also be shamans and healers.

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Sending solidarity to you, dear Marco. 💜

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